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[P-ISSN: 2413-5100] & [E-ISSN: 2413-5119]

The use of bilayers consisting of graphene and noble metals has been explored for biosensors that employ inverted surface plasmon resonance

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International Journal of Science and Information System, 2022


  • Chidi Yun, Miki Shun, Keypi Jackson, Ladson Newiduom, Ibrina Browndi


The article introduces biosensors based on inverted surface plasmon resonance (ISPR) technology, which utilize thin metal films that absorb light with a graphene layer on top. The researchers investigated two systems, one made of palladium/graphene and the other made of iridium/graphene, using numerical analysis. The study highlights the characteristics and abilities of these biosensors, which offer potential for precise, sensitive, and efficient detection of multiple biomolecular interactions. Inverted surface plasmon resonance (ISPR) biosensors based on absorbent metal thin films with a graphene sheet on top are presented. Two systems have been examined by means of a numerical study, a bilayer of palladium/graphene and one of iridium/graphene. The features and performances of such biosensors are discussed. The proposed ISPR systems potentially disclose new strategies for high-resolution, sensitive and straightforward detection of multiple biomolecular interactions.

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