
ISI Journals

[International Scientific Indexing]

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[P-ISSN: 2413-5100] & [E-ISSN: 2413-5119]

Energy Management and Energy Consumption: A Comprehensive Study

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World Information Technology and Engineering Journal, 2023


  • Melika Heydari, Ashkan Heydari and Mahyar Amini


This article presents a comprehensive analysis of energy management and energy consumption, highlighting their crucial role in promoting sustainable development and mitigating environmental concerns. The study encompasses a literature review, research methodology, and analysis of results, offering valuable insights into effective energy management practices and their impact on energy consumption. The findings demonstrate the significance of implementing efficient energy management strategies for minimizing wastage, reducing costs, and achieving environmental sustainability. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of energy management and its impact on energy consumption, focusing on the importance of sustainable energy practices in mitigating environmental concerns. The study incorporates a thorough literature review, research methodology, and analysis of results to offer valuable insights into effective energy management strategies and their implications for energy consumption. The findings emphasize the significance of implementing efficient energy management practices to minimize wastage, reduce costs, and achieve environmental sustainability. This article serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, energy managers, and individuals seeking to optimize energy use and contribute to a greener future.

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[Science Direct, Elsevier, Springer, SAGE Publications, EBSCOHost, Oxford University Press, CRC Press, Cambridge University Press, Pearson Education, Wolters Kluwer, Cengage, McGraw Hill, Hodder & Stoughton, Macmillan Learning, Scholastic, IEEE Standards Association, Association for Computing Machinery, American National Standards Institute, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, NFPA, American Society of Civil Engineers, ASTM International, Brazilian National Standards Organization, Emerald, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, ProQuest, JSTOR, Springer Nature]

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