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[P-ISSN: 2413-5100] & [E-ISSN: 2413-5119]

Analysis and Categorization of Stock Price Factors via a Novel Framework based on Computer Science Technology

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World Journal of Technology and Scientific Research, 2023


  • Chang Li, Bing Pan, Zheng Xiang, Lixuan Zhang, Lee Chen, Don Chen


Nowadays, to enter the stock market, company selection (fundamental analysis) and evaluation based on stock price (technical analysis) are significant parts of the preparation for a rational investor. Since there are multiple ways to do the stock analysis and stochastic elements in stock investment, none of these measures can be universally acknowledged infallible, but the result still can be a reference for investors. In this paper, 60 stocks are randomly picked from the American stock market and factor analysis is used to transform the 8 indicator variables of each stock chosen from Wind into 3 factors. Then by using the 3 factors of each stock, this paper figures out the score of each stock and rank the 60 stocks from the highest score to the lowest. Finally, this paper uses the cluster analysis to classify the stocks into 4 categories. The result of the score of each stock and the 4 categories of stocks can be a reference for investors.

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